BEC’s clients with disabilities, their families and their attorney/fiduciary representative’s ability to implement and utilize their benefit knowledge is the reason they are able to achieve successful outcomes and meet their personal benefit goals.
Here are personal testimonies from some of our training participants.

Coaching individuals with disabilities is a new discipline that has grown out of BEC’s years of experience in recognizing that providing consumers with comprehensive and accurate benefits information, coupled by an understanding of their income and benefit portfolio, results in self-advocacy and self-empowerment. The end result is the ability for consumers to make right choices that will capture and maintain a solid disability benefits portfolio.
The beauty of BEC’s Benefits Coaching is that clients have access to Daniel Fortuño’s expertise in both public and private income and health coverage benefits. Daniel understands the nuances of federal, state and private benefit programs, and has built a strong network of professionals in all areas of disability based benefits and health coverage. In addition, Daniel is proficient in the differences and nuances of the following states’s benefit programs: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas and Washington.
Why Benefits Coaching with BEC
•Public and private benefits programs for people with disabilities are most often misunderstood and under-utilized, thereby creating inequality in access to income sources and healthcare coverage.
•Many service providers are unaware and/or have limited knowledge of the full range of benefit programs available and consequently are ill equipped to fully serve their client’s needs.
•Training is not included in degree programs nor made available for human service professionals, forcing them to learn through trial and error – often at the expense of their clients.
•Even where some knowledge exists, most people still do not have the understanding and knowledge that allows them to integrate public and private benefits into a package that best suits each individual’s needs.
•Unlike public funded benefits counseling programs, BEC provides coaching that is tailored to each client’s particular and unique situation taking into account current state and federal mandates and laws.
What Does BEC Benefit Coaching Provide?
Assessment of an individual’s benefits portfolio to identify gaps and perceived needs
Determine what a client is currently receiving and what they may be eligible for
Facilitate a process to help clients establish goals based on their perceived benefit needs
Develop an action plan with timelines to achieve their benefit goals
Before considering Benefit Coaching it is important to bear in mind the commitment to costs, personal time and partnering with a professional benefits counselor. If Benefit Coaching is something you feel will make a difference in your situation, please contact BEC to set up an initial half-hour to one-hour coaching session.