What Guides BEC’s Training Programs and Services?
Federal and State specific mandates and laws pertaining to benefits help guide BEC’s programs and service delivery, while taking into consideration a client’s unique circumstances and needs. Whether it is individual counseling, a corporate presentation or group training, BEC believes that success is based on a client’s empowerment through information, knowledge and advocacy.
BEC’s Trainings Principals:
- Empower consumers with information, knowledge and self-advocacy as a means to assure their own ability to successfully advocate on their behalf.
- Boost the confidence and competence of every training participant to a level where they can meet their personal or professional goals.
- Support the integration of public and private benefits service delivery among attorneys, fiduciaries, health professionals, social workers, case managers, social service providers and other professionals.
- Increase each training participant’s success rate with “initial application approval” for Social Security Disability Benefits.
BEC’s workshops have been developed to meet the diverse training needs of both consumers and service providers and can be customized to your agency or organization’s specifications. Through pre and post-workshop evaluations and follow-up surveys, BEC’s training curriculum has demonstrated favorable outcomes such as high success rates for Social Security Disability “initial application approval” and increases in service provider’s ability and skill level to integrate public and private benefits into their agency’s service delivery.
The Following are a List of some of BEC’s Workshops:
- The Road map to Navigating the Disability Benefits Maze
- The Nuts & Bolts of Accessing Private Health Coverage
- Navigating the Benefits Maze for Individuals with Medical, Mental Health, Visual and Physical Disabilities
- Fundamentals of Social Security and Winning an Initial Claim
- Understanding, Creating and Winning an Initial Social Security Claim
- Understanding, Creating & Winning an Initial Social Security Claim for Physicians
- Winning an Initial Social Security Claim when HIV is NOT the Primary Disability
- The 3 Short Questions & Honestly Long Answers about a Return to Work
Please Note: Check this page weekly as new training programs will be added as they are confirmed. Check back – Up Coming Training’s soon to be posted!